Nanny State nonsense: Nevada Ban candles and deodorants-Seattle Weekly (blog)

Posted : Wednesday 30 March 2011

Nevada has a nose for nonsense. This time the stench wafting from the State of silver is not back by the allies of his Casino, but from his home State where politicians are sticking your nose in Nevada's candles and air fresheners. Wallow in true democratic State Tata stupidity are considering a Bill to ban the candles and deodorants because a small fraction of the population is allergic to fragrances in them.

Las Vegas Democratic Assemblyman Paul Aizley on Monday presented AB234, which allows you to set restrictions on pesticides, fragrances and candle to accommodate people with chemical sensitivities. Supporters said air fresheners to give them headaches or attacks of asthma and prevent them from going to the movies or restaurants. A cocktail waitress at the Casino said inhaling fragrances conveyed through the ventilation system that felt like a slab of concrete on her chest.
Someone should consider a Bill to prohibit nosey, buttinski Democrats instead ...

-By Warner Todd Huston-Read the rest at

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