Nanny State nonsense: Nevada Ban candles and deodorants-Seattle Weekly (blog)

Posted : Wednesday 30 March 2011

Nevada has a nose for nonsense. This time the stench wafting from the State of silver is not back by the allies of his Casino, but from his home State where politicians are sticking your nose in Nevada's candles and air fresheners. Wallow in true democratic State Tata stupidity are considering a Bill to ban the candles and deodorants because a small fraction of the population is allergic to fragrances in them.

Las Vegas Democratic Assemblyman Paul Aizley on Monday presented AB234, which allows you to set restrictions on pesticides, fragrances and candle to accommodate people with chemical sensitivities. Supporters said air fresheners to give them headaches or attacks of asthma and prevent them from going to the movies or restaurants. A cocktail waitress at the Casino said inhaling fragrances conveyed through the ventilation system that felt like a slab of concrete on her chest.
Someone should consider a Bill to prohibit nosey, buttinski Democrats instead ...

-By Warner Todd Huston-Read the rest at

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Ohio Teen sells ' manly ' scented candles-Toronto Star

Posted : Monday 28 March 2011

as "candles Designed for men," ManCans come in 12 manly "perfumes", including bacon, fresh grass clippings and popcorn butter, says the creator 13-year-old Hart, principal of Ohio FACEBOOK Lorianna De Giorgio Toronto Star.Forget Vanilla scented candles. A boy of 13 years from Marysville, Ohio, has an alternative: ManCans.Designed as "candles for men", the candles are available in 12 "virile" perfumes, including bacon, fresh grass clippings and buttered popcorn.

Hart is the teen entrepreneurial behind the line."My sister was selling candles for school and I realized how much I hated those perfumes and there weren't any perfumes man" Main tells the star.Main started with three essences, but soon diversified to 12 when demand for wax candles ramped up.ajor, who works on her candle business when not in school, says her mother helps to pour the wax, as did not trust him to do it alone. His sister, 12-year-old is designated perfume-meter family.

Candles are made from recycled cans soup from the soup which He donates to local soup kitchen.Since launching in November 2010, Main 675 candles sold for $ 5 (US) each, both at the local gift shops and online.He says that he has made enough money to buy himself a motorcycle racing fantasy more than put a heavy piece for the college.

This spring he is launching three scents — pizza, money to spend and cracker jack after the popular caramel-coated popcorn and peanut snack.He says that now is working on a candle fragranced with dirt.With files from the Associated PressDesigned as "candles for men", ManCans come in 12 manly "perfumes", including bacon, fresh grass clippings and popcorn butter, says the creator 13-year-old Hart's main FACEBOOK Ohio.

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Twitter's blowing out the candles with the help of Celebs-en

Posted : Saturday 26 March 2011

At the age of five years, Twitter currently boasts more than 140 million tweets per day. And 30 billion tweets after founder Jack Dorsey posted the first on March 21, 2006, Twitter is valued at nearly an estimated $ 10 billion, with plans for an IPO in the near future. In a world of social media is ruled by Facebook, Twitter is an undisputed success.

To celebrate itself (as if it wouldn't be), the site of Twitter on a microsite, encouraging users to "follow your interests. Discover your world. " And, who knows better how to use Twitter to the likes of Richard branson, Snoop dogg and Hillary Clinton? I'm shocked to hear that Serena Williams has a thing for Green Day? If you have followed you on Twitter, you would be in the loop on the microsite and you can start feeling his opinions as a form with the click of the mouse.

So, Twitter, here at five years of the cult of celebrity, faceless corporations branding themselves 140 characters at a time and journalism put firmly in the hands of anyone with an Internet connection. The only thing that we're confused about: how many people take their laptop for a hip coffee and tweet using on some other dashboard of social media? No phone or HootSuite represented at all? Shameful, Twitter.

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